FRP Advisory Group PLC: Navigating Growth and Market Challenges

In this comprehensive investor report, we delve into the recent presentation by FRP Advisory Group PLC, where key insights about the company’s performance, strategic direction, and market outlook were shared. The discussion encompasses financial highlights, service offerings, and future opportunities as the firm positions itself for sustainable growth amidst evolving economic conditions.

Table of Contents

Introduction to FRP Advisory Group

FRP Advisory Group PLC is a specialist advisory firm with a strong track record of profitable growth. The company operates through five core pillars, delivering a range of professional services to support businesses throughout their lifecycle.

Key Attributes

  • Experienced management team
  • Growing reputation
  • Increasing profitability
  • Strong cash generation

FRP’s strategy centers on organic growth, complemented by strategic acquisitions. This approach is underpinned by a collaborative, entrepreneurial, and meritocratic culture that drives the company’s success.

Market Position

Amid increasing market activity, FRP is well-positioned to meet the growing demand for advisory services. The company boasts a diversified client base across various geographies and sectors, which continues to expand.

Business Overview

FRP Advisory Group operates through five specialist service pillars, each addressing critical areas of business advisory. These pillars form the foundation of the company’s comprehensive service offering.

Restructuring Advisory

With 63 partners, this pillar covers the complete spectrum of restructuring services. It ranges from solvent reorganizations to complex, investigative-led liquidations and administrations.

Corporate Finance

The corporate finance team, comprising 18 partners, focuses on M&A advisory, strategic valuations, and capital raising for clients. FRP maintains a strong position in the lower mid-market, with an average deal value of approximately £20 million.

Debt Advisory

This team supports both M&A activity and corporates addressing their funding needs. It plays a crucial role in navigating the current economic climate where borrowing costs have increased.

Financial Advisory

With 7 partners, this pillar offers a range of services including C-Suite board advice, transaction services, financial modeling, valuations, and pensions advisory.

Forensic Services

The forensic services team, consisting of 5 partners, covers investigations, disputes, compliance, risk advisory, and forensic technology.

Operational Scale

  • 102 Partners
  • 750 total team members
  • 30 office locations (28 in UK, 2 abroad)

FRP’s extensive network and diverse expertise enable the company to provide comprehensive support throughout a corporate’s lifecycle. This positions FRP as a valuable partner for businesses navigating complex financial and operational challenges.

International Affiliations

FRP maintains strategic memberships to enhance its global reach and capabilities. These include BTG Global Advisory for restructuring and forensics, the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA) for corporate finance activities, and the Alliance of International Corporate Advisors.

Financial Highlights

FRP Advisory Group PLC has demonstrated robust financial performance, showcasing significant growth across key metrics. The company’s financial results reflect its strong market position and effective execution of its growth strategy.

Revenue Growth

The group reported impressive revenue growth, with a 37% year-on-year increase to £37 million. This substantial growth underscores the company’s ability to capitalize on market opportunities and expand its service offerings.

Profit Margin

FRP achieved a profit margin of 29% for FY 2024, aligning with the company’s target of high 20s margins. This performance demonstrates the firm’s ability to maintain profitability while scaling operations.

Cash Position

The company’s financial stability is evident in its strong cash position. At year-end, FRP reported cash holdings of £29.7 million. This solid cash reserve provides the company with financial flexibility for future growth initiatives.

  • £29.7 million cash at year-end
  • £10 million undrawn revolving credit facility
  • Additional acquisition facility utilized for Hill Be acquisition

Earnings Per Share

Adjusted total earnings per share (EPS) grew by 27% year-on-year. This growth in EPS reflects the company’s ability to translate revenue growth into increased shareholder value.

Dividend Growth

In line with its dividend policy, FRP has increased its dividend payout. The company pays three smaller interim dividends and a larger final dividend. Key dividend highlights include:

  • 9% year-on-year growth in dividends
  • Total dividend of 5p for the year
  • Consistent with four-year dividend track record

Long-term Growth Trajectory

FRP has maintained a strong track record of growth throughout its history. The company’s compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for revenue stands at an impressive 15%.

Post-IPO Performance

Since its initial public offering (IPO) in 2020, FRP has demonstrated remarkable growth across multiple dimensions. Comparing 2020 to 2024, the company has achieved significant expansion:

  • Revenue approximately doubled
  • Number of partners doubled
  • Team size doubled
  • Profit doubled

This consistent growth trajectory highlights FRP’s ability to scale its operations effectively and deliver value to shareholders across various economic conditions.

Balance Sheet Strength

The company’s strong financial position is further emphasized by its robust balance sheet. With substantial cash reserves and available credit facilities, FRP is well-positioned to pursue growth opportunities and weather potential economic challenges.

Operational Performance

FRP Advisory Group PLC’s operational performance reflects its strong market position, diverse service offerings, and strategic growth initiatives. The company has demonstrated resilience and adaptability across its various business segments.

Market Share in Administration

FRP has solidified its position as a market leader in the administration sector. The company holds a 16% market share by volume in the UK, establishing itself as the leading player in this critical area of restructuring.

  • 16% market share in UK administrations
  • Strong presence in mid-market segment
  • Capabilities spanning from SMEs to high-profile cases

Service Spectrum

The company’s operational strength lies in its ability to serve a wide range of clients across the full spectrum of restructuring cases. FRP’s expertise extends from personal and SME cases to complex, high-profile engagements such as the Body Shop administration.

Thought Leadership Initiatives

To reinforce its position in the restructuring market, FRP has been actively engaged in thought leadership activities. The company has run various campaigns throughout the year, focusing on key sectors:

  • Fintech industry insights
  • Manufacturing sector analysis
  • Retail market trends
  • Construction industry challenges

Team Growth and Expansion

FRP has significantly expanded its team to meet growing demand and enhance its service capabilities. The company reported a 19% growth in team size, achieved through a combination of strategies:

  • Demand-driven hiring
  • Strategic lateral hires
  • Acquisitions to bolster expertise

The company completed two acquisitions during the fiscal year and two additional acquisitions post-year-end, further strengthening its market position and service offerings.

Work in Progress Management

FRP has demonstrated effective management of its work in progress (WIP), maintaining a healthy balance between ongoing projects and revenue recognition. Key highlights include:

  • WIP days approximately five months
  • Net recoverable WIP reported on balance sheet
  • Monthly diligent process for recoverability assessment
  • Immediate provisioning for any recoverability concerns
  • Contingent work carried at nil value

Strategic Focus on Value Preservation and Creation

FRP’s operational strategy centers on supporting clients in preserving and creating value. The company has undertaken several significant projects that exemplify this approach:

  • Value preservation for a major UK direct mailing business
  • Advisory services for a listed retail business
  • Facilitation of sale for a large UK seafood producer
  • Complex debt restructuring for a premium health club
  • Additional funding sourced for a major UK distributor
  • Support for Trafford Center sale to mezzanine lender

Cross-Pillar Activity

A key strength of FRP’s operational model is its emphasis on cross-pillar activity. This approach encourages collaboration across different service lines, leading to enhanced value delivery for clients and increased revenue opportunities for the company.

Benefits of Cross-Pillar Approach:

  • Comprehensive solution delivery for clients
  • Increased financial opportunities for FRP
  • Enhanced utilization of diverse expertise
  • Improved client retention and satisfaction

Case Study: AMT Power

The AMT Power project exemplifies FRP’s cross-pillar capabilities. This engagement involved:

  • Support from eight FRP offices
  • Multiple service lines collaborating
  • Comprehensive options analysis
  • Ultimately leading to formal restructuring

This case demonstrates FRP’s ability to leverage its full range of expertise to address complex client needs effectively.

Operational Efficiency

FRP’s operational performance is underpinned by a focus on efficiency and effectiveness. The company’s ability to maintain strong profit margins while growing rapidly indicates well-managed operations and scalable processes.

Geographic Expansion

With 30 office locations, including 28 in the UK and 2 abroad, FRP has established a strong geographic presence. This network enables the company to serve clients across various regions and tap into diverse market opportunities.

International Affiliations

FRP’s operational reach is extended through strategic international affiliations. These partnerships enhance the company’s global capabilities and provide access to additional expertise and resources:

  • BTG Global Advisory for restructuring and forensics
  • British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA)
  • Alliance of International Corporate Advisors

Adapting to Market Conditions

FRP has demonstrated its ability to adapt to changing market conditions, as evidenced by its consistent growth across various economic cycles. This adaptability is crucial in the advisory services sector, where market dynamics can shift rapidly.

Future Operational Focus

Looking ahead, FRP’s operational strategy is likely to continue focusing on:

  • Expanding service offerings to meet evolving client needs
  • Enhancing cross-pillar collaboration for complex engagements
  • Strategic acquisitions to bolster expertise and market presence
  • Investing in talent development and retention
  • Leveraging technology to improve service delivery and efficiency

By maintaining this strategic focus, FRP Advisory Group PLC is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of growth and market leadership in the specialist advisory services sector.

Market Share Analysis

FRP Advisory Group has demonstrated significant growth in market share, particularly in the insolvency and administration sectors. This analysis provides insights into the company’s position and potential for future expansion.

Insolvency Appointments

FRP has secured 5.5% of all insolvency appointments, showing a slight increase from 2021. This growth is particularly noteworthy given the substantial rise in overall appointments over the past 12 months compared to the COVID period.

Administration Market Leadership

In the administration sector, FRP has achieved an impressive 16% market share. This positions the company as a leading player in this critical area of restructuring.

  • 1600-1700 appointments across the nation
  • Current levels below pre-pandemic figures
  • Potential for upward trend due to interest rates

Market Outlook

The company anticipates potential growth in the administration market. With interest rates at current levels and a more normalized market environment, FRP expects an upward trend in administration appointments.

Acquisition Strategy

FRP Advisory Group has implemented a strategic acquisition approach to enhance its market position and service offerings. Recent acquisitions have strengthened the company’s capabilities across various sectors.

Wilson Field Acquisition

This acquisition bolsters FRP’s digital platform and website capabilities. Key benefits include:

  • Retention of Wilson Field brand in specific markets
  • Integration of efficient systems across FRP
  • Expanded presence in South Yorkshire

GWC Acquisition

This strategic move enhances FRP’s international capabilities, particularly in offshore markets. Benefits include:

  • Stronger links to Channel Islands, Cayman, and BVI
  • Enhanced ability to service international clients
  • Expanded offshore exposure capabilities

Hilton Beard Acquisition

This acquisition strengthens FRP’s position in asset-based lending. Key aspects include:

  • Deeper relationships with asset-based lender clients
  • Retention of Hilton Beard brand for excellence
  • Expanded service offerings to banks and corporates

Lex Acquisition

This recent acquisition expands FRP’s corporate finance capabilities in Cardiff, further strengthening the company’s regional presence and service offerings.

Team Growth and Development

FRP Advisory Group has experienced significant team expansion, reflecting its strong market position and growth strategy. The company’s focus on talent development and retention is evident in its impressive growth statistics and internal promotion initiatives.

Impressive Growth Metrics

  • 80% increase in Partners over four years
  • 87% increase in fee earners
  • Record-high 68% utilization rate

Internal Progression and Promotions

FRP demonstrates a strong commitment to nurturing internal talent and providing career advancement opportunities. Recent promotions include:

  • 15 colleagues promoted to partner during the year
  • 13 promoted to director
  • 72 promotions across senior and specialist roles
  • 7 directors promoted to partners post-year-end

Leadership Development

The company’s focus on leadership is evident through its internal Leadership Academy. This initiative supports the development of future leaders within the organization, ensuring a strong pipeline of talent.

Employee Engagement and Well-being

FRP Advisory Group places a high priority on employee engagement and well-being, recognizing their critical role in the company’s success. Recent initiatives and survey results highlight both achievements and areas for improvement.

Engagement Survey Results

  • 84% of employees proud to recommend FRP
  • 13.3% feel unable to discuss health openly

Well-being Initiatives

To address employee well-being concerns, FRP is implementing several key initiatives:

  • Business-wide personal development strategy
  • Extended well-being activities with Charlie Waller Trust
  • National expansion of London Balance Mind Group
  • Review of approach to mental health support

Financial Engagement

FRP has introduced financial incentives to boost employee engagement and retention. These include:

  • Launch of Save As You Earn scheme in June 2024
  • 25% sell-down opportunity for partners in June 2024
  • Partners collectively retain 30% ownership of the business

Profit and Loss Overview

FRP Advisory Group’s profit and loss statement reveals strong financial performance and strategic growth. Key highlights demonstrate the company’s ability to scale operations while maintaining profitability.

Revenue Growth

The company achieved significant year-on-year revenue growth. This increase reflects successful expansion through acquisitions and lateral hires, with 106 new colleagues joining the firm.

Personnel Costs

  • 5.5% blended pay rises including promotions
  • Lower share-based payment charges in reported P&L
  • Share-based charges halved from £8M to £4M

Operating Expenses

Operating expenses saw general increases across various categories. Notable areas include:

  • Slightly higher legal costs in 2024
  • Continued investment in business development

Tax Considerations

The tax charge increased year-on-year due to two factors:

  • Increased profitability
  • Corporation tax rate change from 19% to 25%

Performance Metrics

FRP uses “underlying adjusted EBITDA” as its key performance metric. This measure adjusts for:

  • Share-based payment expenses
  • Consideration deemed as remuneration
  • Employee incentive plan option awards

Balance Sheet Insights

FRP Advisory Group’s balance sheet reflects a strong financial position, underpinned by effective asset management and strategic investments. Key areas of focus include work in progress, cash position, and intangible assets.

Work in Progress Management

The company maintains a robust approach to managing its work in progress (WIP). Key aspects include:

  • Net WIP reported on balance sheet
  • Strong track record of converting WIP to cash
  • Monthly provisioning process for doubtful recoverability

Cash Position

FRP boasts a strong net cash position, demonstrating effective cash management and the ability to convert work in progress into liquid assets.

Goodwill and Intangibles

A slight increase in goodwill and intangible assets is reported, primarily due to recent acquisitions. This reflects the company’s strategic growth initiatives.


Key liabilities include partner profit distributions, which are structured as:

  • Monthly profit share payments
  • Year-end profit distributions

This balanced approach to profit sharing aligns partner interests with the company’s long-term performance while maintaining financial flexibility.

Cash Flow Analysis

FRP Advisory Group demonstrates robust cash flow management, showcasing strong conversion of profits into cash. This financial strength underpins the company’s growth strategy and operational flexibility.

Profit to Cash Conversion

The company reports excellent conversion of profits into cash from operating activities. This indicates efficient working capital management and healthy business operations.

Work in Progress (WIP) Patterns

  • Stronger cash collections in second half
  • Anticipated WIP build-up in first half of FY2
  • Seasonal fluctuations in cash flow

Tax Payment Timing

A notable year-on-year difference in tax payments is attributed to timing variations. This temporary discrepancy does not reflect any underlying issues in the company’s tax management.

Capital Allocation and Investment Strategy

FRP Advisory Group’s capital allocation strategy focuses on sustainable growth and shareholder returns. The company balances reinvestment in the business with strategic acquisitions and dividend payments.

Investment Priorities

  • Continued investment in organic growth
  • Selective approach to acquisitions
  • Progressive dividend policy

Acquisition Criteria

FRP maintains an active acquisition pipeline, applying stringent criteria for potential targets:

  • Cultural fit with existing team
  • Strategic alignment (geography and services)
  • Mutually beneficial economics

Dividend Strategy

The company follows a quarterly dividend policy, consisting of:

  • Three smaller interim dividends
  • One larger final dividend
  • Progressive increases since IPO

Future Capital Distribution

For any additional forms of capital distribution, FRP commits to seeking appropriate advice and making decisions based on prevailing circumstances.

Strategic Outlook for FY 2025

FRP Advisory Group PLC has outlined a clear strategic vision for FY 2025, focusing on sustainable growth and market leadership. The company’s outlook is shaped by current market dynamics and its strong positioning in key service areas.

Market Expectations

FRP anticipates potential growth in the administration market due to current interest rates and a more normalized market environment. The company expects an upward trend in administration appointments, which aligns with its strong 16% market share in this sector.

Revenue Growth Targets

  • Projected revenue growth of approximately 15% for FY2025
  • Focus on maintaining high 20s profit margins
  • Conservative approach to financial projections

Expansion and Acquisition Strategy

The company plans to continue its strategic acquisition approach to enhance market position and service offerings. Key focus areas include:

  • Cultural fit with potential acquisitions
  • Strategic alignment in geography and services
  • Mutually beneficial economics for all parties

Service Line Development

While restructuring remains the largest part of FRP’s business, the company is open to expanding its service lines. Future growth may include:

  • Further development of corporate finance capabilities
  • Expansion of forensic services beyond restructuring
  • Potential new service lines complementing existing offerings

Talent Management and Development

FRP’s strategic outlook includes a strong focus on talent management and development. Key initiatives include:

  • Continued investment in the Leadership Academy
  • Emphasis on internal promotions and career progression
  • Implementation of employee well-being programs

Financial Management

The company’s financial strategy for FY 2025 includes:

  • Maintaining a strong cash position
  • Effective management of work in progress (WIP)
  • Continuation of progressive dividend policy

Market Positioning

FRP aims to solidify its position as a market leader in restructuring while growing its presence in other service areas. The company will focus on:

  • Leveraging cross-selling opportunities across service lines
  • Enhancing thought leadership initiatives in key sectors
  • Expanding international capabilities through strategic partnerships

Q&A Session Highlights

The Q&A session provided valuable insights into FRP Advisory Group’s strategies, financial performance, and future outlook. Key topics addressed included revenue growth, profitability, acquisition strategies, and resource allocation.

Revenue Growth and Profitability

Investors inquired about the projected 15% revenue growth for FY2025 and the corresponding 5% growth in profitability. Management’s response highlighted:

  • Conservative approach to financial projections
  • Track record of consistent delivery
  • Target of maintaining high 20s profit margins

Partner Compensation Structure

Questions arose regarding the allocation of revenue increases to partner earnings. Key points included:

  • Formula-based approach to partner compensation
  • 20-25% of office profit available to partners
  • Balance between competitive base salaries and performance-linked earnings

Acquisition Strategy

Investors sought clarity on FRP’s approach to acquisitions and integration. Management emphasized:

  • Focus on cultural fit, strategic alignment, and favorable economics
  • Structure of deals including upfront cash and restricted equity
  • Importance of internal recommendations for potential acquisitions

Cross-Selling Initiatives

The company addressed how it promotes cross-selling across different service lines:

  • Emphasis on shared client base across service pillars
  • Top-down influence to encourage collaboration
  • Focus on projects that naturally integrate multiple services

Resource Allocation and Service Line Growth

Management discussed the balance of resources across specialisms and potential changes in FRP’s service mix:

  • No fixed targets for service line percentages
  • Openness to expanding service lines that complement existing offerings
  • Recognition of restructuring as the largest part of the business

Future Investor Engagement

FRP expressed commitment to ongoing investor communication:

  • Willingness to repeat open forum presentations
  • Availability of resources on the company website
  • Continuous improvement in investor relations practices

The Q&A session reinforced FRP’s conservative financial approach, strategic growth plans, and commitment to transparent investor communication. Management’s responses highlighted the company’s focus on sustainable growth, effective integration of acquisitions, and maintaining a strong market position in its core service areas.

Closing Remarks

As we conclude this comprehensive investor report on FRP Advisory Group PLC, it’s clear that the company is well-positioned for continued growth and success in the specialist advisory services sector. Let’s summarize the key takeaways from the presentation and discussion.

Financial Strength and Growth

FRP has demonstrated robust financial performance, with impressive revenue growth and consistent profitability. The company’s conservative financial approach and strong cash position provide a solid foundation for future expansion.

  • 37% year-on-year revenue increase to £37 million
  • 29% profit margin, aligning with high 20s target
  • Strong cash position of £29.7 million
  • 15% projected revenue growth for FY2025

Market Leadership

FRP has established itself as a market leader in key areas, particularly in the administration sector. The company’s diverse service offerings and strategic acquisitions have strengthened its competitive position.

  • 16% market share in UK administrations
  • 5.5% of all insolvency appointments
  • Strong presence across five specialist service pillars

Strategic Growth Initiatives

The company’s growth strategy combines organic expansion with carefully selected acquisitions. This approach has proven successful in enhancing FRP’s capabilities and market reach.

  • Four strategic acquisitions completed recently
  • Focus on cultural fit and strategic alignment in acquisitions
  • Emphasis on cross-selling and service line integration

Talent Development and Retention

FRP recognizes the importance of its people in driving success. The company has implemented various initiatives to attract, develop, and retain top talent.

  • 80% increase in Partners over four years
  • Robust internal promotion program
  • Investment in Leadership Academy
  • Focus on employee well-being and engagement

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, FRP is well-positioned to capitalize on market opportunities and navigate potential challenges. The company’s diversified service offerings and strong financial position provide resilience in varying economic conditions.

  • Anticipated growth in administration appointments
  • Continued focus on maintaining high profit margins
  • Openness to expanding service lines strategically
  • Commitment to progressive dividend policy

In conclusion, FRP Advisory Group PLC has demonstrated its ability to deliver consistent growth, maintain profitability, and adapt to market dynamics. With a clear strategic vision and strong operational foundation, the company is well-equipped to create long-term value for its shareholders and clients alike.


To address common inquiries about FRP Advisory Group PLC, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions based on the information presented in the investor report.

What are FRP’s main service offerings?

FRP operates through five specialist service pillars:

  • Restructuring Advisory
  • Corporate Finance
  • Debt Advisory
  • Financial Advisory
  • Forensic Services

How has FRP’s financial performance been in recent years?

FRP has shown strong financial performance, with key highlights including:

  • 37% year-on-year revenue growth
  • 29% profit margin
  • 27% growth in adjusted earnings per share
  • 15% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for revenue

What is FRP’s market position in the UK?

FRP has established a strong market position, particularly in the administration sector:

  • 16% market share in UK administrations
  • 5.5% of all insolvency appointments
  • Leading player in the mid-market segment

How does FRP approach acquisitions?

FRP’s acquisition strategy focuses on:

  • Cultural fit with existing team
  • Strategic alignment in geography and services
  • Mutually beneficial economics
  • Integration of complementary capabilities

What is FRP’s dividend policy?

FRP follows a quarterly dividend policy:

  • Three smaller interim dividends
  • One larger final dividend
  • Progressive increases since IPO
  • 9% year-on-year growth in dividends

How does FRP manage its work in progress (WIP)?

FRP’s approach to WIP management includes:

  • Net WIP reported on balance sheet
  • Monthly provisioning process for doubtful recoverability
  • Strong track record of converting WIP to cash
  • WIP days approximately five months

What is FRP’s growth projection for FY2025?

FRP projects approximately 15% revenue growth for FY2025, with a focus on maintaining high 20s profit margins.

How does FRP approach talent management and development?

FRP’s talent management strategy includes:

  • Internal Leadership Academy
  • Robust internal promotion program
  • Focus on employee well-being initiatives
  • Competitive compensation structure for partners

What international affiliations does FRP have?

FRP maintains strategic international affiliations with:

  • BTG Global Advisory for restructuring and forensics
  • British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA)
  • Alliance of International Corporate Advisors

How does FRP promote cross-selling across its service lines?

FRP encourages cross-selling through:

  • Emphasis on shared client base across service pillars
  • Top-down influence to encourage collaboration
  • Focus on projects that naturally integrate multiple services

What is FRP’s approach to market challenges and economic uncertainties?

FRP’s strategy for navigating market challenges includes:

  • Diversified service offerings across various sectors
  • Strong cash position for financial flexibility
  • Conservative financial projections
  • Adaptability to changing market conditions

How does FRP plan to maintain its market leadership in administrations?

FRP aims to maintain its market leadership through:

  • Continued investment in expertise and resources
  • Focus on mid-market and high-profile cases
  • Leveraging cross-pillar capabilities for complex engagements
  • Ongoing thought leadership initiatives in key sectors

What is FRP’s strategy for expanding its service offerings?

FRP’s approach to service expansion includes:

  • Openness to new service lines complementing existing offerings
  • Strategic acquisitions to enhance capabilities
  • Organic growth in response to market demand
  • Balanced resource allocation across specialisms

These FAQs provide a comprehensive overview of FRP Advisory Group PLC’s business model, financial performance, growth strategies, and market positioning. Investors and stakeholders can use this information to gain a deeper understanding of the company’s operations and future prospects.

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