MPs warn that China has invaded all sectors of the British economy

The British government has failed to recognize the danger posed by China, according to MPs.

In a recent report, the intelligence and security committee of Parliament said that the ambitions of the communist nation to become a superpower in economic terms posed as the “greatest threat” to the UK.

The report said that China’s state-run intelligence agency was “targeting Britain and its interests” “prolifically, aggressively”, and was attempting to gain control of key assets in the industrial and civil nuclear sectors. It also claimed that China had used its money “to buy” Universities.

The committee concluded that the government’s response to the threat was “completely insufficient”, and warned that UK security concerns must not be trumped by opportunism.

The chairman of the committee, Sir Julian Lewis said that the UK was now playing catch up and the government had its work cut out for it to understand and counteract the threat from China.

“It’s clear that China took advantage of the policy adopted by successive British governments in order to strengthen economic ties with China. This has allowed it to achieve its commercial, scientific and technological, and industrial goals, and gain a competitive advantage.

“China is buying up UK industry and energy and trying to influence or control it. Until the Covid-19 pandemic, Chinese money was accepted by the government without much question.

The Government must ensure that its house is in order so that economic concerns do not always take precedence over security concerns.”

The 200-page document found that Beijing was trying to recruit spies using LinkedIn, and Chinese delegates were entering military trade shows in order to take photos of sensitive equipment.

The warning warned that China was increasing its targeting of UK academic and business organisations in order to harvest data or obtain technical information.

retracted its promise to close the 30 Confucius Institutes sponsored by China in British Universities during last year’s Tory leadership contest.

Sir Julian stated on Thursday: “China’s interference activities have been aggressive.” It is particularly adept at buying or influencing academia to advance its narrative and suppress criticism.

While some [universities] expressed concern, other seem to be turning their backs, content to simply take the money. China’s ambition, size and capabilities have allowed it to penetrate all sectors of the UK economy.”

The committee expressed concern about China’s intentions to become “a permanent and significant player” within the civil nucleo-energy industry. It also stated that Chinese targeting of technology and industry could pose a “existential danger to liberal democratic systems.”

The report stated: “It would be naive for the Government to believe that allowing Chinese firms to exert influence on the UK’s civil nucleus and energy sectors does not mean granting control to the Chinese Communist Party.”

It is unacceptable that the Government continues to consider Chinese involvement at a granular scale in the UK’s critical national infrastructure.

We are concerned about the opportunity and incentive for espionage provided by Chinese involvement in UK’s civil nucleonic sector. We acknowledge that disruption is unlikely, but the threat is real.

The MPs concluded that “China’s global ambitions to become a superpower in technology and economy, upon which other countries rely, represents the greatest threat to the UK.”

“China’s State Intelligence apparatus, almost certainly the biggest in the world with hundreds of thousands civil intelligence officers, targets the UK and it interests aggressively and prolifically, and poses a challenge to our agencies.”

“China is well positioned to take advantage of the economic damage caused by the pandemic and could emerge stronger from it than before.”

The committee of nine members, led by Conservative MP Sir Julian, examines the work done by the UK’s intelligence agencies, including MI5, MI6 GCHQ.

The government has described the increasing influence of China as an “epoch defining challenge”. However, the intelligence report suggested that it would be more accurate to call the country a “national threat”.

Tom Tugendhat said to broadcasters: “This government has taken state-threats, and the challenge from China, more serious than any previous one.” The Prime Minister is taking it very seriously.

The report shows that MI5 is concerned about China using LinkedIn to recruit spies. It adds: “UK-based people have been subject to a very initial approach where someone presents themselves as a consultant interested in an article the person has written or wants to invite them to attend a conference.

“To see if they can get this person to communicate in a different way than LinkedIn, maybe email. If this continues, then there may be an invitation to a seminar or conference, or someone gets paid for writing an essay.”

Grant Shapps warned on Thursday that China is trying to create a “new world order”.

He said: “They’re a reality. You can’t wish them away. And they want to change the whole world so that it operates under their world-order.”

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