Ryanair is threatening to cancel aircraft orders amid Boeing crisis

Michael O’Leary, the chief executive of Ryanair, has warned Boeing that if it does not meet its deadlines he will cancel all aircraft orders .

The warning comes only days after US Aviation giant announced new delays in deliveries of its flagship 737 Max.

Ryanair’s winter schedule has already been altered due to Boeing’s setbacks, causing up to 1.4 million passengers to miss their holiday plans.

Boeing announced last week that it will deliver between 375 to 400 narrow-body aircraft in this year. This is lower than the previous forecast of 400 to 450.

Mr O’Leary responded to the announcement saying that Ryanair may cancel orders if Boeing fails to deliver a new batch of aircraft by next summer.

He said: “Boeing must get its act together, and deliver these aircraft on schedule.

“I felt a great deal of sympathy towards Boeing. It was only two years ago that the Max was grounded. “It’s time to start delivering the aircraft.”

Mr O’Leary expressed frustration at the delays, as he wanted rival airlines to be forced to ground their jets due to faults found in Pratt & Whitney engine.

Last week, the owner of British Airways International Airlines Group announced that 32 planes equipped with Pratt & Whitney engine will be affected.

“It’s frustrating because demand for travel is so strong, and we believe that a lot competitors will be grounding their planes,” said Mr O’Leary.

“It’s important to get these aircraft, so that we can keep our fares low while we keep people flying and the competition grounded.

We’re working closely with Boeing to accelerate these deliveries. The big problem for us is the fact that we are supposed to receive 37 aircraft by April’s end.

We’re hoping they arrive by the end June, but if it slips into July or August we will not accept them.

Boeing’s spokesman stated: “We are committed to Ryanair, and we value our partnership.”

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