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TalkTalk secures £200m from founder

TalkTalk has been scrambling in order to secure a £200m loan from Sir Charles Dunstone, as it tries to avoid collapse. Directors of TalkTalk warned in its latest annual report that there was a danger the company could collapse "in August…

How class-action lawsuits are drowning UK plc.

Lawyers warn that businesses could be hurt by competition laws becoming a new source of income Justin Le Patourel, just moments before the UK's very first class-action lawsuit was to start, made a final plea to BT. Former Ofcom…

Newspapers warn Apple about ad blocking plans

Apple has been warned by British newspaper groups that imposing a "web eraser", a tool used to block ads, would threaten the financial viability of journalism. Apple will include a privacy feature based on AI in its Safari browser with…

Redbird IMI sells Telegraph after UK backlash

The United Arab Emirates-backed group that proposed a £600m acquisition of the Telegraph Group is walking away, after it claimed new legislation made the acquisition "no more feasible", which triggered a new auction of the paper group.…