Exploring Panther Metals: A Journey Through Six Drill Campaigns Over the Next 12 Months


In this blog, we delve into the exciting plans of Panther Metals as they embark on six significant drill campaigns over the next year. CEO Darren Hazelwood shares insights into the company’s strategic approach to exploration and their vision for building shareholder value amidst a challenging market.

Table of Contents

Welcome and Introduction

The Market Insights podcast, an offshoot of the traditional Market Musings podcast from Stockbox, launches with an exciting episode featuring Darren Hazelwood from Panther Metals. This new series aims to provide regular, in-depth market analysis and insights.

Meet the Guests

The podcast welcomes two distinguished guests:

  • Charles Archer, financial analyst
  • Darren Hazelwood, CEO of Panther Metals

Together, they offer a comprehensive look at Panther Metals’ journey and future plans. This episode promises to deliver valuable information for investors interested in the mining exploration sector.

Background of Panther Metals

Darren Hazelwood provides a detailed account of Panther Metals’ inception and growth. The company’s journey began in May 2018, emerging from a refinanced business on the NEX market.

Early Days and Challenges

The initial stages of Panther Metals were marked by significant challenges:

  • Started with zero assets
  • Initial investment of £300,000
  • Left with £200,000 after expenses

Hazelwood took the helm in January 2019, focusing on listing the company on a tradable market. This move was crucial due to the challenging market conditions at the time.

Key Milestones

Panther Metals achieved several important milestones in its early years:

  • Listed on tradable market in January 2020
  • Raised £800,000 at listing
  • Navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic

During the pandemic, the company strategically expanded its asset base and made key decisions to strengthen its position.

Strategic Asset Management

Panther Metals has focused on quality over quantity in its asset portfolio. Key developments include:

  • Exited Australian assets via ASX listing
  • Acquired the Obonga greenstone belt
  • Purchased Dotted Lake project
  • Secured option agreement for Manitou

Hazelwood emphasizes the company’s strategy of maintaining a focused portfolio of high-potential assets rather than accumulating numerous properties.

Transition to a Trading Market

Panther Metals has successfully navigated through challenging market conditions to establish itself as a promising player in the mining exploration sector. The company’s journey from a small-cap entity to its current position demonstrates resilience and strategic planning.

Market Challenges and Opportunities

Despite global economic headwinds, Panther Metals has remained proactive. The company has used periods of market volatility to advance its business, increase its offerings, and focus on high-potential assets.

Long-Term Vision

CEO Darren Hazelwood outlines an ambitious vision for Panther Metals:

  • Build a mid-tier mining company
  • Aim for $50-500 million in revenues
  • Target a $500 million+ market cap

This represents significant growth from the current $4 million market cap. While ambitious, Hazelwood cites examples like GGP, which grew from a similar size to a $1.5 billion valuation within three years following a major discovery.

Current Assets and Strategic Focus

Panther Metals’ portfolio is centered on quality assets with high potential. The company’s flagship project, Obonga, stands out as a particularly promising prospect due to its scale and geological potential.

Obonga Project Highlights

The Obonga project features several prospect areas, each with unique characteristics:

  • Wishbone
  • Survey
  • Otter Tooth
  • Silver Rim

Exploration Strategy

Panther Metals employs a pragmatic approach to exploration, balancing thorough analysis with efficient resource allocation. For some prospects, like Otter and Silver Rim, the company favors direct drilling over extensive preliminary work.

Market Perception and Risk Tolerance

Hazelwood acknowledges the industry’s high failure rate but emphasizes the importance of calculated risk-taking. He notes that market conditions have made companies overly cautious, potentially missing opportunities.

“The market has made it such that they’ve put the fear of God up to these companies and they are really scared to fail, but the truth is that 98% of the time you’re going to fail in this industry.”

This bold approach, coupled with sound geological reasoning, underpins Panther Metals’ exploration strategy as they pursue their ambitious growth targets.

Exploration Philosophy: Drill First

Panther Metals adopts a bold “drill first” approach to exploration, balancing efficiency with geological insight. This strategy aims to maximize resource allocation and expedite the discovery process.

Challenging Industry Norms

The company’s philosophy challenges the industry trend of extensive preliminary work. While many firms spend years on geotechnical, geochemical, and hydrogeological surveys, Panther Metals opts for a more direct approach.

Strategic Drilling Decisions

Panther Metals’ strategy involves:

  • Identifying bullseye targets
  • Leveraging existing infrastructure
  • Conducting prospecting holes
  • Making quick decisions to drill or kill

This approach allows the company to efficiently test multiple targets without excessive preliminary expenses.

Risk and Reward Balance

The company acknowledges the high failure rate in exploration but emphasizes the transformative potential of successful drilling. This balanced view of risk and reward drives their exploration strategy.

“The only way you truly find out is by putting drill holes in the ground.”

Geological Insights: Otto and Silver Rim

Panther Metals’ Obonga project features several promising prospects, including Otto and Silver Rim. These areas exemplify the company’s strategic approach to exploration and geological assessment.

Otto Prospect

Otto represents one of the speculative areas within the Obonga project. While specific details are limited, it aligns with Panther Metals’ approach of identifying and quickly testing prospective targets.

Silver Rim Prospect

Silver Rim stands out as a particularly intriguing prospect within the Obonga project. Key features include:

  • Two anomalous bodies nearly touching
  • Approximately 50 meters separation
  • Potential for significant mineralization

This geological configuration suggests a promising target for Panther Metals’ exploration efforts.

Exploration Strategy for Otto and Silver Rim

Consistent with their overall philosophy, Panther Metals plans to approach these prospects with targeted drilling. This strategy aims to quickly assess the potential of these areas without extensive preliminary work.

By applying their “drill first” approach to Otto and Silver Rim, Panther Metals seeks to efficiently evaluate these prospects. This method allows for rapid decision-making, enabling the company to either advance promising discoveries or redirect resources to other targets.

The Importance of Infrastructure

Infrastructure plays a crucial role in the success of mining exploration projects. Panther Metals recognizes this importance as they advance their exploration efforts in the Obonga greenstone belt.

Leveraging Existing Resources

The company’s strategy involves making the most of available infrastructure. This approach allows for more efficient exploration and potential development.

  • Utilizing nearby roads and access points
  • Benefiting from regional power supplies
  • Accessing local skilled labor forces

By leveraging existing infrastructure, Panther Metals can reduce costs and accelerate their exploration timeline.

Strategic Location Advantages

The Obonga project’s location offers several advantages:

  • Proximity to established mining regions
  • Access to processing facilities
  • Potential for shared resources with nearby projects

These factors contribute to the project’s overall attractiveness and potential for development.

Permitting Updates for Upcoming Drilling

Panther Metals has made significant progress in securing necessary permits for their ambitious drilling campaigns. This preparatory work sets the stage for an exciting period of exploration activity.

Recent Permit Acquisitions

The company has successfully obtained key drilling permits:

  • Wishbone prospect permit secured
  • Otto and Silver Rim permits in place

These permits allow Panther Metals to proceed with their planned drilling programs across multiple prospects within the Obonga project.

Comprehensive Exploration Campaign

CEO Darren Hazelwood outlines an ambitious plan for the next 12 months:

“Within the next 12 months, you will see a comprehensive campaign on Obonga, like the likes very rarely seen amongst a junior explorer.”

This campaign is expected to include:

  • Multiple drill targets across prospects
  • Continued geophysical surveys
  • Rapid assessment and follow-up drilling

Strategic Approach to Drilling

Panther Metals’ drilling strategy focuses on efficiency and maximizing the potential for discovery. The company’s approach includes:

  • Targeting high-priority anomalies
  • Utilizing data from recent geophysical surveys
  • Employing a “drill first” philosophy

This strategy aims to quickly assess the potential of various prospects within the Obonga project, allowing for rapid decision-making and resource allocation.

Funding Exploration Activities

Panther Metals is taking a strategic approach to funding its ambitious exploration plans. While specific details are limited due to regulatory considerations, CEO Darren Hazelwood provides insights into the company’s funding strategy.

Current Funding Capacity

Hazelwood indicates that Panther Metals is well-positioned to fund its immediate exploration goals:

“As it stands we can potentially fund everything that we want to and what we aim to do on Obonga.”

Leveraging Permit Advantages

The company’s recent acquisition of multiple drilling permits strengthens its position for potential funding discussions:

  • Permits secured for Wishbone
  • Permits in place for Awkward West
  • Additional permits for Survey, Otter, and Silver Rim

This comprehensive set of permits is unprecedented in the area’s history, making Panther Metals an attractive partner for potential funders.

Strategic Partnerships

While specific details are not disclosed, Hazelwood hints at ongoing discussions with potential funding partners. The company’s approach to these partnerships is guided by a clear strategy, though details remain confidential to avoid regulatory issues.

Exploration Strategy and Market Positioning

Panther Metals is adopting an aggressive exploration strategy aimed at rapidly advancing its projects and increasing shareholder value. This approach is designed to differentiate the company in a competitive market.

Comprehensive Exploration Campaign

The company plans a multi-faceted exploration program across its Obonga project:

  • Simultaneous drilling at multiple prospects
  • Efficient use of infrastructure and resources
  • Acting like a major company with a junior market cap

Market Cap Strategy

Hazelwood emphasizes the need to break out of the sub-£20 million market cap range:

“As a business we need to get out of the sort of sub-20 million pound market cap merry-go-round.”

Leveraging Major Project Potential

The company recognizes that Obonga is a “major playground” typically beyond the scope of junior explorers. Panther Metals aims to capitalize on this opportunity through strategic planning and efficient operations.

Infrastructure and Access Considerations

While currently relying on helicopter support, Panther Metals is exploring cost-effective ways to improve access:

  • Potential reinstatement of a key bridge for £350,000
  • Collaborating with local communities for trail development
  • Balancing immediate exploration needs with long-term access solutions

By combining aggressive exploration with strategic funding and infrastructure development, Panther Metals aims to rapidly advance its projects and position itself for significant growth in the mining sector.

Drilling Challenges and Opportunities

Panther Metals faces both challenges and opportunities in its drilling campaigns. CEO Darren Hazelwood emphasizes the company’s commitment to exploration despite the inherent risks.

Embracing Exploration Risks

Hazelwood acknowledges the high failure rate in junior exploration but highlights the transformative potential of success:

“Junior explorers have to be right once… As soon as you’re right once, you’re away.”

Investor Expectations

Panther Metals’ strategy aligns with investor goals for high returns:

  • Investors seek 20-100 times returns
  • Low-level deals without drilling limit potential gains
  • Drilling increases deal size and attracts larger partners

Track Record of Exploration

The company has demonstrated success in its drilling campaigns:

  • Gold discovered at Dotted Lake
  • VMS system identified at Wishbone
  • 11.6% zinc over half a meter at Wishbone
  • Four separate lenses in one system discovered

Expert Validation

Panther Metals’ findings have been validated by industry experts, including Bruce Gel, a preeminent VMS expert. This external validation strengthens the company’s confidence in its discoveries.

Future Plans: Six Campaigns Ahead

Panther Metals is poised for an ambitious exploration program over the next 12 months. CEO Darren Hazelwood outlines the company’s expectations and strategic focus for this crucial period.

Ambitious Discovery Goals

Hazelwood sets a clear target for the company’s exploration efforts:

“I will be very very disappointed if we haven’t got two discoveries of note.”

This statement underscores the company’s confidence in its prospects and exploration strategy.

Comprehensive Exploration Strategy

Panther Metals’ approach includes:

  • Multiple drill targets across prospects
  • Leveraging advanced drone technology
  • 3D analysis with 25-meter spacings
  • Focusing on high-potential areas like Obonga

Leveraging Past Successes

The company draws inspiration from successful models in the industry:

  • Studying GT Resources’ exploration model
  • Adapting strategies to Panther’s assets
  • Focusing on confined areas with multiple targets

Long-Term Growth Potential

Panther Metals aims to position itself for significant growth:

  • Potential for district-scale discoveries
  • Aiming for mid-tier status
  • Exploring opportunities for lower capex and opex costs

With these ambitious plans and a focused strategy, Panther Metals is setting the stage for a transformative year in its exploration efforts.

Expected Outcomes and Market Reactions

Panther Metals is poised for an exciting period of exploration and potential discovery. The company’s strategic approach and ambitious plans set the stage for significant market interest and potential value creation.

Anticipated Discoveries

CEO Darren Hazelwood sets a clear target for the upcoming exploration efforts:

“I will be very very disappointed if we haven’t got two discoveries of note.”

This ambitious goal reflects the company’s confidence in its prospects and exploration strategy. Key expectations include:

  • Multiple high-potential targets identified
  • Possibility of VMS deposits at Wishbone
  • Copper-nickel potential at Dotted Lake
  • Unexpected discoveries possible

Market Impact of Success

Successful discoveries could have a transformative effect on Panther Metals’ market position:

  • Potential for rapid share price appreciation
  • Increased interest from major mining companies
  • Opportunities for strategic partnerships or acquisitions

Funding and Resource Allocation

Hazelwood outlines a strategic approach to resource allocation following discoveries:

  • Immediate “boxing off” of successful sites
  • Dedicated teams assigned to promising discoveries
  • Continuous work funded by market and industry interest

This approach ensures that Panther Metals can capitalize on successes while maintaining momentum across its portfolio.

Investor Expectations

The market will be closely watching Panther Metals’ exploration results. Key factors influencing investor sentiment include:

  • Timely communication of drilling plans and results
  • Progress on multiple fronts (Obonga, Dotted Lake, etc.)
  • Potential for unexpected discoveries

Final Thoughts on Panther Metals

As Panther Metals embarks on its ambitious exploration program, the company stands at a pivotal moment in its development. The next 12 months promise to be transformative for the company and its shareholders.

Strategic Positioning

Panther Metals has carefully positioned itself for success:

  • Multiple high-potential projects in the portfolio
  • Efficient “drill first” exploration philosophy
  • Strong relationships with local communities and authorities
  • Experienced management team with a clear vision

This strategic approach maximizes the company’s chances of making significant discoveries while managing risks effectively.

Potential for Value Creation

The company’s focus on quality assets and efficient exploration could lead to substantial value creation:

  • Possibility of multiple discoveries within 12 months
  • Potential to attract interest from major mining companies
  • Opportunities for rapid growth in market capitalization

Challenges and Opportunities

While Panther Metals faces the inherent risks of mineral exploration, it also stands to benefit from several factors:

  • Favorable location with existing infrastructure
  • Diverse portfolio of assets reducing overall risk
  • Potential for unexpected discoveries during drilling

The company’s approach of balancing risk and reward positions it well for future success.

Investor Considerations

For investors considering Panther Metals, key points to consider include:

  • Potential for high returns typical of successful junior explorers
  • Near-term catalysts with multiple drilling campaigns planned
  • Management’s track record and strategic vision
  • The inherent risks and volatility of the mineral exploration sector

As Panther Metals moves forward with its ambitious plans, it offers an exciting opportunity for investors seeking exposure to the potential of mineral exploration in a well-structured and strategically positioned company.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Panther Metals’ exploration strategy and plans:

What is Panther Metals’ approach to drilling?

Panther Metals adopts a “drill first” philosophy, focusing on efficient exploration and rapid assessment of prospects.

How many drill campaigns are planned?

The company plans six drill campaigns over the next 12 months across multiple prospects.

What is the company’s view on exploration risks?

Panther Metals acknowledges the high failure rate in exploration but emphasizes the importance of persistent drilling to achieve significant discoveries.



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