Premier Miton Group PLC: 2024 Interim Results Overview

In this comprehensive report, we delve into the 2024 interim results of Premier Miton Group PLC, highlighting significant financial metrics, recent acquisitions, and the outlook for the future. The insights presented here are crucial for investors looking to understand the company’s performance and strategic direction.

Table of Contents


Premier Miton Group PLC’s 2024 interim results reveal a company navigating challenging market conditions while positioning itself for future growth. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the company’s performance, strategic initiatives, and outlook for investors.

Key Highlights

  • Assets under management (AUM) increased 9%
  • Adjusted profit before tax of £5.7 million
  • Strong cash balance of £30.7 million
  • Interim dividend declared at 3p per share
  • Acquisition of Torth completed successfully

These highlights demonstrate Premier Miton’s resilience and strategic focus during a period of industry-wide challenges. The company’s robust financial position and proactive approach to growth set the stage for potential future success.

Company Overview

Premier Miton Group PLC is a UK-based active asset management company. The firm offers a diverse range of investment strategies across multiple asset classes, catering to retail, institutional, and international clients.

Assets Under Management

As of March 2024, Premier Miton reported £10.7 billion in assets under management. This represents a 9% increase from October 2023, driven by three key factors:

  • Inflows from recent M&A activity
  • Outflows from funds due to industry challenges
  • Positive returns from investment markets

The company’s AUM continued to grow, reaching £10.8 billion by May 28, 2024. This upward trend suggests improving market conditions and investor confidence.

Investment Performance

Premier Miton maintains strong long-term performance across its fund range. Several key strategies have shown impressive short-term performance, including:

  • European Equity strategy
  • UK value strategy
  • Retirement income products
  • Fixed income funds
  • Torth absolute return funds
  • Multi-asset strategies

This diverse range of well-performing strategies positions the company to capitalize on various market opportunities and investor preferences.

Distribution and Market Reach

Premier Miton is actively expanding its distribution capabilities and market presence. Key initiatives include:

  • Increased traction with wealth managers and advisers
  • Growing attendance at annual investment conferences
  • Improved brand recognition among discretionary fund managers
  • International expansion into Latin America and South Africa
  • Planned launch of Managed Portfolio Services

These efforts are aimed at deepening relationships with existing clients and accessing new markets for future growth.

Recent Acquisitions

Premier Miton has completed two strategic acquisitions to enhance its capabilities and market reach:

Torth Acquisition

  • Brings high-quality investment team
  • Adds long-short absolute return strategies
  • Broadens distribution reach
  • AUM stable at £515 million
  • Strong performance in key funds

The Torth acquisition diversifies Premier Miton’s strategy offerings and expands its client base. Integration is proceeding as planned, with full integration expected by mid-June.

Dublin-based UCITS Structure

  • Serves as a bridgehead for international distribution
  • Supports plans to launch new strategies
  • Enhances institutional distribution capabilities

This acquisition provides Premier Miton with a platform to expand its international presence and access new markets.

Financial Performance

Premier Miton’s financial results reflect the challenging market environment:

  • Adjusted profit before tax: £5.7 million
  • Strong cash balance: £30.7 million
  • Interim dividend: 3p per share

The company’s robust cash position provides resilience during difficult trading conditions and supports the dividend policy.

Investment Approach

Premier Miton emphasizes a genuinely active investment approach:

  • High active share, typically approaching 90%
  • Significant tracking error against underlying indices
  • Diversified portfolio of strategies across asset classes

This approach aims to deliver long-term alpha for investors by taking calculated risks and maintaining a differentiated position from passive index strategies.

Market Outlook

Premier Miton’s management expresses cautious optimism for the future:

  • Expectation of falling interest rates globally
  • Continued economic growth creating favorable conditions
  • Potential outperformance of mid and small-cap stocks
  • Growing momentum for genuinely active strategies

The company believes these factors will create opportunities for active managers like Premier Miton to demonstrate value to investors.

Future Growth Strategies

Premier Miton is pursuing several initiatives to drive future growth:

  • Launching new strategies within the Dublin UCITS
  • Expanding distribution in South Africa
  • Progressing Latin American distribution partnerships
  • Preparing for Managed Portfolio Service launch
  • Evaluating potential strategic acquisitions

These initiatives aim to diversify the company’s offerings, expand its geographical reach, and capitalize on emerging market opportunities.


Premier Miton Group PLC demonstrates resilience and strategic focus in its 2024 interim results. Despite industry challenges, the company has maintained a strong financial position, expanded its capabilities through acquisitions, and positioned itself for future growth. With a diverse range of well-performing strategies and a clear vision for expansion, Premier Miton appears well-equipped to capitalize on improving market conditions and evolving investor preferences.

Assets Under Management

Premier Miton Group PLC reported significant growth in its assets under management (AUM) for the 2024 interim period. This increase reflects the company’s resilience and strategic initiatives in a challenging market environment.

Key AUM Highlights

  • AUM reached £10.7 billion as of March 2024
  • 9% increase from October 2023
  • Further growth to £10.8 billion by May 28, 2024

The growth in AUM was driven by a combination of factors, showcasing the company’s multi-faceted approach to asset growth:

  • Inflows from recent M&A activities
  • Positive returns from investment markets
  • Partially offset by outflows due to industry challenges

AUM Composition and Performance

Premier Miton’s diverse range of investment strategies contributed to the robust AUM figures. Several key areas demonstrated strong short-term performance:

  • European Equity strategy
  • UK value strategy
  • Retirement income products
  • Fixed income funds
  • Torth absolute return funds
  • Multi-asset strategies

This broad-based performance across various asset classes positions the company well for future growth and client retention.

Financial Highlights

Premier Miton Group PLC’s 2024 interim results reveal a company maintaining financial stability while navigating industry challenges. The financial highlights underscore the company’s resilience and strategic focus.

Key Financial Metrics

  • Adjusted profit before tax: £5.7 million
  • Net revenue: £30.1 million
  • Strong cash balance: £30.7 million
  • Interim dividend: 3p per share

While adjusted profit before tax decreased by 28% compared to the previous period, the company maintained a robust financial position.

Revenue and Margin Analysis

The company’s revenue dynamics reflect the challenging market environment:

  • Net revenue decreased by £4.9 million to £30.1 million
  • Net management fee margin: 59.3 basis points
  • Margin decline due to changes in product mix

The reduction in higher-margin equity products contributed to the overall margin decrease.

Cost Management

Premier Miton demonstrated prudent cost discipline:

  • Admin expenses decreased by 8%
  • Fixed staff costs remained stable at £10.8 million
  • Variable staff costs decreased by £2.5 million

The company continues to balance cost control with strategic investments in growth initiatives.

Balance Sheet Strength

Premier Miton maintains a strong financial foundation:

  • £30.7 million cash balance with no debt
  • Regulatory capital surplus of £15 million
  • Goodwill increased by £2.6 million due to Torth acquisition

This robust balance sheet provides flexibility for future growth opportunities and supports the company’s dividend policy.

Dividend Policy

The board has declared an interim dividend of 3p per share, maintaining its commitment to shareholder returns. The company’s dividend policy targets an annual payout of 50-65% of adjusted profit after tax, balancing shareholder rewards with prudent financial management.

Recent Acquisitions

Premier Miton Group PLC has recently completed two strategic acquisitions to enhance its capabilities and market reach. These acquisitions are key components of the company’s growth strategy.

Torth Acquisition

The acquisition of Torth is progressing as planned, bringing significant benefits to Premier Miton:

  • Stable assets under management
  • Impressive investment performance across main strategies
  • Recent positive inflows into Torth funds

Dublin-based UCITS Structure

Premier Miton has also acquired a small Dublin-based UCITS structure. This acquisition serves as a strategic platform for international expansion:

  • Bridgehead for international distribution activities
  • Supports launch of new strategies
  • Enhances institutional distribution capabilities

Current Trading Environment

Premier Miton reports an improving short-term outlook following challenging years for the funds industry. Key indicators of this positive trend include:

Sales and Asset Growth

  • Small net positive sales during May
  • Building momentum in distribution activities
  • Significant sales pipeline
  • AUM increased to £10.8 billion as of May 28

Strategic Initiatives

The company is actively pursuing growth opportunities:

  • Plans to launch strategies within Dublin UCITS
  • Registering funds for distribution in South Africa
  • Progressing international expansion efforts

Dividend Declaration

Premier Miton Group PLC has maintained its commitment to shareholder returns despite challenging market conditions. The company’s dividend policy reflects a balance between rewarding investors and maintaining financial flexibility.

Interim Dividend Details

  • Interim dividend declared at 3p per share
  • Consistent with previous dividend levels
  • Demonstrates confidence in financial stability

The board’s decision to maintain the dividend underscores Premier Miton’s resilience and commitment to shareholder value, even in a challenging operating environment.

Performance of Key Strategies

Premier Miton’s diverse range of investment strategies has shown strong performance, particularly in key areas. This robust performance across various asset classes positions the company well for future growth and client retention.

Torth Funds Performance

The recently acquired Torth funds have demonstrated impressive results:

  • UK Select: Strong absolute return performance
  • Excellent Sharpe and Sortino ratios
  • UK Smaller Companies: Strong relative performance
  • Attractive risk profiles across both funds

Growth Potential

The strong performance of these key strategies, particularly the Torth funds, indicates significant potential for asset growth. Management believes these funds can attract substantially more assets under management, contributing to the company’s overall growth trajectory.

Integration of Torth

The integration of Torth into Premier Miton Group PLC is progressing smoothly, bringing significant benefits to the company’s portfolio and capabilities.

Key Integration Highlights

  • Assets under management remain stable at £515 million
  • Strong performance across main Torth strategies
  • Recent positive inflows into Torth funds
  • Expanded distribution reach for Premier Miton

The Torth acquisition is expected to contribute £2 million to adjusted profit before tax in FY24, excluding potential performance fees. This strategic move enhances Premier Miton’s offering in long-short absolute return strategies.

Market Outlook

Premier Miton’s management expresses cautious optimism for the future, citing several favorable market trends:

Economic Factors

  • Anticipated global interest rate reductions
  • Continued economic growth creating opportunities
  • Potential outperformance of mid and small-cap stocks

Investment Trends

  • Growing momentum for genuinely active strategies
  • Shift towards active management as portfolio satellites
  • Increased demand for differentiated investment approaches

These factors are expected to create a favorable environment for active managers like Premier Miton to demonstrate value to investors through high active share and tracking error strategies.

Distribution Strategy

Premier Miton Group PLC has made significant strides in enhancing its distribution capabilities and market presence. The company’s multi-faceted approach aims to deepen relationships with existing clients while accessing new markets for future growth.

Brand Profile and Visibility

Premier Miton has successfully raised its brand profile across the wholesale marketplace. This is evidenced by the increasing traction with wealth managers and advisers:

  • Annual investment conference attendance growth
  • 70 attendees in 2022
  • 140 attendees in 2023
  • 200 attendees in 2024

The substantial increase in attendance demonstrates the growing relevance of Premier Miton’s offerings to advisers and wealth managers.

Investor Sentiment

Surveys conducted at the annual investment conference revealed positive sentiment towards Premier Miton:

  • Nearly 2/3 of attendees plan to allocate more to Premier Miton
  • Positive feedback on event relevance and content

Market Recognition

Independent research highlights Premier Miton’s growing recognition among discretionary fund managers:

  • Ranked 11th equal as best asset manager
  • 4th in intention for increased investment

These rankings are particularly impressive given Premier Miton’s size relative to larger competitors, indicating strong brand momentum.

Core Product Drivers

Several key strategies are driving interest and inflows:

  • Fixed income funds (nearly £2 billion AUM)
  • US equities with low tech exposure
  • European equity funds
  • Retirement income solutions
  • Torth absolute return and UK smaller companies funds

International Expansion

Premier Miton is actively pursuing international growth opportunities:

  • Latin American distribution partnerships
  • Fund registration in South Africa
  • Focus on European Equity and fixed income offerings

These initiatives aim to diversify the company’s geographical reach and capitalize on emerging market opportunities.

Investment Performance Metrics

Premier Miton Group PLC emphasizes a genuinely active investment approach, which is reflected in its performance metrics. This strategy aims to deliver long-term alpha for investors by taking calculated risks and maintaining a differentiated position from passive index strategies.

Active Share and Tracking Error

The company’s investment philosophy is characterized by:

  • High active share, typically approaching 90%
  • Significant tracking error against underlying indices

These metrics demonstrate Premier Miton’s commitment to true active management, distinguishing its offerings from passive or closet index-tracking funds.

Performance Across Strategies

Several key strategies have shown impressive short-term performance:

  • European Equity strategy
  • UK value strategy
  • Retirement income products
  • Fixed income funds
  • Torth absolute return funds
  • Multi-asset strategies

Torth Funds Performance

The recently acquired Torth funds have demonstrated particularly strong results:

  • UK Select: Strong absolute return performance
  • Excellent Sharpe and Sortino ratios
  • UK Smaller Companies: Strong relative performance
  • Attractive risk profiles across both funds

Long-Term Performance

Premier Miton maintains strong long-term performance across its fund range. This consistent track record is crucial for attracting and retaining investors, particularly in the institutional and wealth management segments.

Risk-Adjusted Returns

The company’s focus on risk-adjusted returns is evident in the performance of its absolute return strategies and the attractive risk profiles of its funds. This approach aims to deliver superior outcomes for investors across various market conditions.

Diversification Benefits

Premier Miton’s diverse range of strategies across asset classes provides performance diversification benefits. This approach allows the distribution team to highlight strong performance in different areas at different times, supporting long-term relationships with intermediaries, wealth managers, and institutional clients.

Financial Results Discussion

Premier Miton Group PLC’s 2024 interim financial results reflect the challenges faced by the asset management industry, while also highlighting the company’s resilience and strategic positioning.

Revenue and Profitability

The company experienced a decline in key financial metrics compared to the previous period:

  • Net revenue decreased by £4.9 million to £30.1 million
  • Adjusted profit before tax fell 28% to £5.7 million
  • Net management fee margin declined to 59.3 basis points

The reduction in revenue and profitability was primarily driven by lower average assets under management (AUM) during the period.

Assets Under Management

Despite challenging market conditions, Premier Miton saw growth in its AUM:

  • AUM increased 9% to £10.7 billion by March 31, 2024
  • Net outflows of £486 million from existing strategies
  • Net inflows of £440 million from acquisitions and disposals
  • Positive market and investment performance

The average AUM for the period was £10 billion, representing a 10% decline from the comparative period.

Cost Management

Premier Miton demonstrated prudent cost discipline in response to market conditions:

  • Admin expenses decreased by 8% to £24.8 million
  • Fixed staff costs remained stable at £10.8 million
  • Variable staff costs decreased by £2.5 million to £4.1 million

The company continues to balance cost control with strategic investments in growth initiatives, such as increased sales and marketing activities.

Balance Sheet Strength

Premier Miton maintains a strong financial foundation:

  • £30.7 million cash balance with no debt
  • Regulatory capital surplus of £15 million
  • Goodwill increased by £2.6 million due to Torth acquisition

This robust balance sheet provides flexibility for future growth opportunities and supports the company’s dividend policy.

Future Growth Opportunities

Despite recent challenges, Premier Miton Group PLC has positioned itself for future growth through strategic initiatives and market opportunities.

Acquisition Integration

The successful integration of recent acquisitions is expected to drive growth:

  • Torth acquisition to contribute £2 million to adjusted profit
  • Dublin-based UCITS structure enhances international capabilities
  • Planned migration of Torth onto Premier Miton’s platform

Distribution Expansion

Premier Miton is actively expanding its distribution reach:

  • Growing traction with wealth managers and advisers
  • Increased brand recognition among discretionary fund managers
  • International expansion into Latin America and South Africa
  • Planned launch of Managed Portfolio Services

Product Development

The company is focusing on key growth areas:

  • Launch of new strategies within Dublin UCITS
  • Emphasis on fixed income and European equity offerings
  • Continued development of retirement income solutions

Market Trends

Premier Miton is well-positioned to capitalize on favorable market trends:

  • Anticipated global interest rate reductions
  • Potential outperformance of mid and small-cap stocks
  • Growing momentum for genuinely active strategies

Operational Capacity

The company has significant room for growth within its current infrastructure:

  • Back office capable of managing 3-4 times current AUM
  • Ample capacity across existing fund range
  • Robust platform for potential future acquisitions

With these strategic initiatives and market opportunities, Premier Miton Group PLC is well-positioned to capitalize on improving market conditions and drive future growth in assets under management and profitability.

Q&A Session

The Q&A session provided valuable insights into Premier Miton Group PLC’s performance, strategies, and future outlook. Key topics addressed included market trends, financial results, acquisitions, and growth opportunities.

Interest Rates and Fund Flows

Mike O’Shea discussed how changing interest rates may impact fund flows and asset values:

  • Anticipates increased investment interest as rates decline
  • Expects reinvestment from cash and short-dated bonds
  • Already seeing more activity from advisors and wealth managers

Underperforming Funds

The company’s approach to funds not meeting expectations was outlined:

  • Regular review process for all funds
  • Focus on long-term validity of investment processes
  • Consideration of market cycles and investment styles

Cash Flow and Dividend

Piers Harrison explained the company’s cash flow dynamics:

  • Seasonal patterns in cash spending
  • Variable remuneration payouts in December
  • Tax payments in January
  • Dividend distributions in February and August

Acquisition Strategy

Mike O’Shea detailed the company’s approach to acquisitions:

  • Focus on accretive deals with growth potential
  • Use of both cash and shares for funding
  • Attraction of Premier Miton’s culture and distribution capabilities

Political Climate

Regarding the upcoming UK general election:

  • Company maintains an apolitical stance
  • Desire for political stability to support UK markets
  • Encouragement from cross-party support for capital markets


How will changing interest rates affect Premier Miton’s business?

As interest rates decline, the company anticipates increased investment interest. This may lead to reinvestment from cash and short-dated bonds into Premier Miton’s funds, potentially boosting assets under management and fund flows.

What is Premier Miton’s approach to underperforming funds?

The company conducts regular reviews of all funds, focusing on the long-term validity of investment processes. Market cycles and investment styles are considered when evaluating performance. If a fund is deemed no longer viable, appropriate actions are taken.

How does Premier Miton fund its acquisitions?

Acquisitions are funded through a combination of cash and shares, depending on the deal structure. The company focuses on accretive acquisitions with growth potential. Premier Miton’s strong culture and distribution capabilities are seen as attractive to potential acquisition targets.

What is the company’s dividend policy?

Premier Miton maintains a commitment to shareholder returns. The company pays dividends twice a year, with distributions typically occurring in February (final dividend) and August (interim dividend). The specific dividend amount is based on the company’s financial performance and cash position.

How might the upcoming UK general election impact Premier Miton?

The company maintains an apolitical stance but emphasizes the importance of political stability for UK markets. Premier Miton is encouraged by cross-party support for capital markets and hopes for continued focus on maintaining a strong financial services sector, regardless of the election outcome.

What are Premier Miton’s key growth opportunities?

The company sees growth potential in several areas:

  • Integration of recent acquisitions like Torth
  • Expansion of international distribution, particularly in Latin America and South Africa
  • Launch of new strategies within the Dublin UCITS structure
  • Development of retirement income solutions
  • Capitalizing on anticipated market trends, such as outperformance in mid and small-cap stocks

How does Premier Miton differentiate itself from competitors?

Premier Miton emphasizes its genuinely active investment approach, characterized by high active share and significant tracking error. The company offers a diverse range of strategies across asset classes and focuses on delivering long-term alpha for investors through calculated risk-taking and differentiated positioning.

What is the company’s outlook for the asset management industry?

While acknowledging recent challenges, Premier Miton expresses cautious optimism for the future. The company anticipates favorable conditions as interest rates potentially decline and sees growing momentum for genuinely active investment strategies. They believe these factors will create opportunities for active managers to demonstrate value to investors.

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