Report: AI “apocalypse” could cost UK jobs of 8m.

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A report warns that automation could lead to the loss of 8 million UK jobs. This is a “jobs-apocalypse” for women, young workers, and those with lower wages.

According to the Institute for Public Policy Research, AI could replace entry-level, part-time or administrative jobs in a worst-case scenario for the introduction of new technologies over the next three to 5 years.

The thinktank warned the UK that it was in for a “sliding door” moment, as more companies adopted generative artificial intelligence technologies to automate workplace tasks. These technologies can read and create data and software codes.

This report stated that the first wave of AI adoption is already putting jobs in danger as more companies adopt this technology. A second wave of AI adoption could result in the automation of even more jobs.

IPPR found that 11% of the tasks performed by workers are at risk. The IPPR said that this could increase to 59% in the second wave, as technology develops to handle more complex processes.

The report said that routine cognitive tasks, such as database management, scheduling, and stocktaking, were already under threat, and could displace part-time and entry-level jobs in secretarial, administrative, and customer service.

The second wave of AI adoption may impact on non-routine jobs such as copywriting, graphic design and database creation. This would have a greater impact on higher paying jobs.

IPPR stated that women would be more affected because “they are more inclined to work in the occupations most exposed, such as secretarial or administrative occupations”.

The report stated that in the worst case scenario, AI could result in the displacement of 7.9m workers, and any gains made by the economy through productivity improvements would be cancelled out by a zero-growth GDP within three to 5 years.

The best-case scenario would see no job losses, and the economy’s size could increase by 4% or £92bn per year.

The left-of centre thinktank, which raised the alarm about the impact of AI on workers, said that government action could help prevent an “apocalypse” and harness its power to boost economic growth.

Carsten Jung is a senior economist with IPPR. He said that generative AI, which already exists, could disrupt the labour market or boost economic growth. It is going to be a game changer for millions.

“But technology isn’t destiny, and a job apocalypse doesn’t have to be inevitable. Governments, employers and trade unions can make important design decisions that will ensure we manage the new technology well. They may not have time to act if they do not.

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